volunteer registration form
Image Right
The transfer of image rights by the participant implies the acceptation and knowledge for these mentions.
I authorize, free of charge, the association Oxfam France to take photographs, videos and interviews of me during the Trailwalker Oxfam Dieppe on the 01st, 02nd, 03rd July 2022 or the Trailwalker Oxfam Métropole de Lyon on the 07, 08, 09 October 2022 and to use my image and speech on any type of medium.
Images and contents produced during the event will be used exclusively for intern and extern Oxfam communication purposes.
This authorization concerns especially the right to represent or to to be represented, to reproduce or to make reproduce, in integrality or partly, videos, photographs or interviews either directly by Oxfam France, or through a third party authorized by Oxfam France, including offices and members of the Oxfam Confederation, globally through all technical means, known and unknown to this date.
Your photos, videos and oral declarations will possibly be published and broadcasted though the press, on any medium and format, both in profit and non-profit sectors, public or private (such as websites, journals, social media, reports, television or on the radio., etc.) Nonetheless, Oxfam might not use them.
You have the right to refuse to be filmed, photographed or interviewed by Oxfam. Know that this choice will not cause harm to you, your family or your community.
If you wish to know which testimonies/images Oxfam possesses on you or wish that Oxfam/our photograph stops using your testimony/image, please contact us :
Phone : +33 (0)1 56 98 24 46
Email : evenements@oxfamfrance.org.
We will then stop using your image or testimony.
This authorization is consented, free of charge and without expiration date.
Your company
Oxfam Trailwalker is an original opportunity to bring together work colleagues for a good cause.
By recruiting teams, you will mobilise your company in a group dynamic that strengthens internal cohesion. And your employees will be proud to take part in a sporting challenge to support the actions of Oxfam, one of the biggest international development organizations.
You will be able to:
- communicate the dynamism and commitment of your employees
- develop team spirit, motivation and sense of cohesion
- affirm your willingness to support a cause together
- D-day rewards months of work towards a huge human adventure shared together!
For more information: contact us: evenements@oxfamfrance.org.
Volunteers at the Oxfam Trailwalker event are very important. Without them none of this would be possible. Getting involved as a volunteer is a wonderful commitment that contributes massively to the results of Oxfam’s work.

Volunteer registration
Volunteer’s Guide
For a better preparation and to have more information, you can download the Volunteer’s Guide! It will help you to understand what will be your missions during the event and how everything is organized.
Feel free to contact us for any questions by sending an email to benevoles-event@oxfamfrance.org or by calling au 01 85 34 17 63.
Support Crew
Behind every great team is an even greater support crew. Support crew members are the unsung heroes of the event. You will provide your team with unconditional love, dedicated support and endless motivation throughout their journey. They could not complete the Oxfam Trailwalker without you!
Each team of walkers must have a support crew: ideally at least two to three people for each team.
Supporter’s Guide
To help you prepare the Oxfam Trailwalker as a support crew member, you can download the following guide (in French):
Support crew registration
Registration for support crew is mandatory! Please complete the form below (in French):
Supporters registration for the Oxfam Trailwalker 2024 is coming soon.
Feel free to contact us if you need any help. We can translate all the information above.
Oxfam Trailwalker Team
evenements@oxfamfrance.org / +33 (0)1 56 98 24 46
Dieppe – SOLD OUT
Oxfam Trailwalker 5th edition in Normandy, starting from Dieppe, will be held on June 29 and 30 of 2024. So many breathtaking landscapes to discover : seasides, chalk cliffs, fields and forests.
For your information, your team’s registration has to be done directly online by clicking on the button above. Payment is by credit card and must be done only once per team. You will immediately receive an email to create your team’s fundraising page and begin the Oxfam Trailwalker adventure.
As noted in the Oxfam Trailwalker official rules, your team will have to raise a minimum of 1 500€ before the event to be able to participate. Each team member will also have to send us a medical certificate and to count on a support crew (at least one person). These elements are mandatory to start the walk.
A question ? Contact us.